Episode #12 of the Orange13 podcast discusses faith from the perspective of three guys in their 20’s.
Episode #11 of the Orange13 podcast jumps into a conversation about behavior management verse transformation.
Episode #10 of the Orange13 podcast explores a different path for many post-high school grads. We also consider how this path brings less interaction with adults and how this effects their identity, their sense of...
Episode 9 of the Orange13 podcast walks through tips to engage hurting students in your ministry or in your home.
What drains your soul? What fills it up? Episode 8 of the Orange13 podcast jumps into a conversation about real paychecks that fill the soul and and how to refill your passion bucket.
A few years back I ventured to Arizona to hike in the big ditch… the Grand Canyon. My buddy and I flew over, jumped in his sisters jeep and drove from the airport to the...
Welcome to episode #6 of the Orange13 podcast. This week we talk leadership and the difficult task of adding value to the people we lead and love…or try to love…
Episode number 5 looks into the changes that may come in the future for faith, relationships and how people may or may not engage in community.
Episode #4 walks through the reality of the never ending pressure to do better and how our performance shapes our identity. The great encouragement at the end of the day is that our God does...
Episode #3 continues our conversation and attempts to peal back the idea that environments, rooms, restaurants, bars and even churches have a vibe…a feel that effects the entire experience.
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